Karnik lab group

Sahar Farami
Protein Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Researcher
STEM Diversity Intern, UG Royal Society funded

Thu Ly
Stomatal Biology, Protein Biochemistry Scientist
PhD Student
Begonia Trust funded
Collaborating Team members
Dr Cecile Lefloun
Cell biologist, Electrophysiology Scientist
Postdoctoral Researcher
Current Research Projects

Research in Karnik lab is funded by the Royal Society, UKRI, NERC, the Wellcome Trust, M.L. MacIntyre Begonia Trust and the University of Glasgow

Dr Catherine Kidner
Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh and University of Edinburgh, UK
Professor Ben Zhang
School of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030006, China
Professor Mike Blatt
School of Molecular Biosciences, University of Glasgow
Dr Abe Karnik
Human-Computer Interactions Group, School of Computing, Lancaster University
Dr Baena (BBSRC funded, PDRA, 2020-2023) – took up a teaching position at University of West Scotland
Dr Joseph (BBSRC funded, RA, 2020-2021) – Teaching lab manager at University of Glasgow
Dr Marques-Beuno (UofG funded, PDRA, 2018-2019) – Fellow at CRAG, Barcelona
Dr Lingfeng Xia (CSC funded PhD student 2019) – completed PhD and is now a BBSRC funded PDRA
Will Sibly (Data Analalyst, 2020) – Business Relationships Coordinator, LEAF Environmental Agency, UK
Craig Bruce (UofG funded Technical Assistant, 2017-18) – completed Masters at UofGlasgow, joined government services
Hao Zeng (Royal Society STEM Diversity Intern 2023) – completing studes at UofGlasgow
Alex Zhang (Undergraduate Research) Intern – pursuing PhD
Flora Leask (Outreach, 2019) – pursuing higher education
Moray Smith (Research & Outreach, 2019) – pursuing PhD in Plant Science
Harry Copping (Dobbie Smith Awardee, 2018) – pursuing PhD
Elka Kyurkchieva, MVLS Summer Studentship Awardee (2017) – pursuing PhD

Sci-Seedlets is an educational, plant-science promoting activity led by Dr Rucha Karnik and developed in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of scientists in the University of Glasgow and Lancaster University. The overarching aim of this project is to educate people from a young age on plant physiology and plant science research, and, in consequence, to inspire the next generation of Plant Scientists. Sci-Seedlets focuses on developing a variety of tools and resources that are used in the classroom, to transform the traditional plant science curriculum into an engaging and interactive subject.